
Who plays in waist deep
Who plays in waist deep

I enjoyed it alot, It had a good conflict from beginning to end which kept you intrigued the whole time. Ultimately, however, the actors don't even they know where this Z-Grade piece of supposed entertainment is headed.

who plays in waist deep

The cast does a fine job, hard-selling moviegoers on a preposterous story ripped from other innumerous bad B-movies. And this all begs the question: Is there really any OTHER kind of syndicates in movies like this? In the R-rated actioner/drama Waist Deep, a paroled ex-con (Gibson) whose son is kidnapped in a carjacking and a street hustler (Good) are forced into a life of armed robbery to make an impossible ransom deadline set by the vicious leader (the Game) of an evil syndicate. To exemplify this, the camera actually drifts away from the action in some scenes as if the camerman, like the audience, was also fast losing interest.


Despite earnest intentions, the movie loses focus fast and drags moviegoers down with it. In fact, this reviewer's not even sure what genre this movie was aiming for: action-adventure or family drama. In fact, it doesn't even come close to licking its hobnail boots.

who plays in waist deep who plays in waist deep

During Waist Deep's painfully slow climb toward its climax, one of the only white characters (taking a cue from the Wayans Brothers, all Caucasians presented in this movie are portrayed as goofy stooges), says to the title characters, "You guys are like the modern-day Bonnie and Clyde!" Well, Waist Deep never quite reaches the high plateau of Arthur Penn's 1967 masterpiece.

Who plays in waist deep